
Professional in events management: national and international events for Group Alcatel.
Launch of NatureParif( regional agency for Nature and Biodiversity). Organisation of the major Conferences of Nat..
(museum of Natural History, Musée du quai Branly, Conference on Waste (Cité des Sciences, Great Hall at La Villette, Charletty stadium).
Professional of Press relations, both for the Artistic Press (Academie des Bx -Arts, Wildenstein Foundation, Musee Marmottan, musee Cl Monet at Giverny,or the Economic Press(Union F des I petrolieres,as well as for the Environmental
Press( Observatory of Waste - Ordif, Observatory of Biodiversity-NaturP-Semardel.
Principal clients: Ordif, Semardel etc
NaturParif. Regional agency for N and B.
Launching of the agency, then in charge of Public R and events among which the organisation of major Conferences- museum of Natural History, Musee du Quai B. Search for and management of Press and Institutions partnerships. FIFE: International festival of films related to the Environment. Launch of French Capital of Biodiversity.
Publishing of an opus: 10 questions on Biodiversity( Technip publishers) Organisation of seminars.
ORDIF: handled the daily Press relations. Organisation of Press Conferences, of the Regional Meetings on Waste in Ile de France (Cite des Sciences) and of the National Conferences of Prevention and management of Waste. Search for and managing of Institutional and Press partnerships.
Publishing of the opus:10 questions on Waste in Ike de France.

Events and public Relations Manager.
Communication with Corporate Headquarters.
Head of relations with the Media and the events Sector and also of the Sponsorship for Alcatel at its Rue la Boetie headquarters
Handled national and Public Relations activities( Roland G, Stade de France) as well as international ones: organisation of seminars and Conventions for Group Alcatel in France and abroad.

Union F des Industries P: UFIP
The Professional Federation of the oil Industry forthe benefit of oul companies operating in France: BP, Mobil, Elf, Shell Total Fina.

Director of External Relations.
Principal positions: spokesperson for the Profession with the Press, the Public authorities, the Public opinion.
In charge of developing the image of a core activity with the major economic players (MEDEF, Trade Federations. Organisation of Conferences, Conventions and Seminars).
Reponsible for handling the image of the President.
In charge of Press Relations, then Director of External Relations and Communications.
Domestic fuel
Press Officer for oil heating.
Group aimed at promoting heating oil.
World Conference on Energy.
In charge of relations with both the National and International Press at the 13 th Convention of the World Conference on Energy in Cannes. 500 delegates, over 700 journalists with 80 countries represented.

Institut de France.
In cgarge of the Communication and External relations of Academie des Beaux -Arts and its museums.
Launching of Musee Marmottan and Musee C Monet at Giverny( won the Academy Prize).
Handled Elections and The Installation of the Members of the Academy.
The W Foundation.
Press Officer in charge of the Press Relations for the Catalogues.